Speaking of the origin of this hand-knitted sweater, it is indeed a long time ago. The earliest hand-knitted sweater should come from the hands of the shepherds of ancient nomadic tribes. In ancient times, people's first clothes were animal skins and sweaters.
Several leaves, and then gradually developed, and textiles appeared. In China, the raw materials of textiles are silk and hemp. It can be said that the nobles wear silk and the sluts wear hemp; in the nomadic areas of Central Asia, the raw materials of textiles are wool, mainly wool . Another important textile raw material, cotton, originated in Central and South America.
Whether it is silk, linen or wool fabrics, they are all woven with warp and weft. Hand-knitted sweaters and weaving are two completely different crafts. Compared with hand-knitted sweaters and silk and other clothes, they have great flexibility. Silk and other clothes need three processes from raw materials to ready-made garments: spinning, weaving, and sewing; hand-knitted sweaters require two processes: spinning and weaving. When weaving, in addition to wool, you only need a few thin bamboos Needle. If woven products are more suitable for mass production, then weaving is more suitable for individual labor.
Every spring season, all kinds of animals begin to shed their hair, taking off the short wool in winter and replacing them with long hair adapted to the hot summer. The shepherds collected the shed wool, washed it and dried it. While grazing, the shepherd sat on the stone and watched the sheep eat grass while twisting the wool into thin strips. These thin strips can be used to weave blankets and felts, and then spin them After fine, you can weave woolen. One day, the north wind was getting stronger and the weather was getting cold. A certain shepherd, maybe a slave, had no felt clothes to keep out the cold. He found a few branches and tried his best to tie the wool in his hand into pieces. A thing that can be wrapped around the body to keep out the cold, and going around, he finally found the trick, so he has the sweater later.
Post time: Jul-19-2022